Friday, July 25, 2008

Helm Crag, Grasmere

On the 22nd July our good friends Ian, Debbie, Ash and Kay made the long journey to Cumbria to visit us and explore the Lakes. They had great weather and on the wednesday suceeded in climbing Helm Crag or also known as the Lion and The Lamb near Grasmere. The bottom half is very steep and with the hot temperatures made it extremely hard going!! We all made the top as the photo proves. The photo with Ian and Debbie has the Easedale valley in the background and the photo with us trudging up the hill shows Grasmere Lake in the distance. We had a brilliant few days exploring the Lakes made even better with great friends, please come up again soon we miss you.xx (what climbing Helm Crag who would of thought it)??

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I finally made it up Scafell Pike today via the corridor route, a really mountainous route with some of the most stunning views in the lakes of Scafell, Great Gable and Wasdale. I was running again today and i reached the top in 1.5hrs, it was warm and the many mountain streams were great for the thirst. Alfie is seen posing as the highest dog in England, the picture of me is with Great Gable behind and the pic above is looking down the route to Styhead tarn.

Wetherlam on the Coniston Fells was the next mountain on the list with my friend martin. We started in Tilberthwaite and assended up wetherlam edge over the top and then down by steel edge. Great views are had here of the Langdale valley and Coniston Fells. It took us about 3 hours not bad for an evenings stroll!!